We maintain all records of Alvis car sales

Buying & selling a classic car can be a minefield. Red Triangle strives to serve the best interests of Alvis cars in a effort to maintain it's legacy. Every Alvis we have for sale has been inspected in our workshops and its originality has be authenticated using extensive Alvis works archives.

1924 SB12/50 Ducksback by Jarvis

Dispatched 10th April 1924 to the dealer J. H. Galts Ltd of Glasgow. Originally fitted with 4 seat De Luxe tourer body by Cross & Ellis, this was replaced circa 1973 with the current ducksback body by Jarvis. Still fitted with the correct matching number engine, the car is in very good condition and is a pleasure to drive.

  • Year: 1922
  • Coachwork: Jarvis