We maintain all records of Alvis car sales

Buying & selling a classic car can be a minefield. Red Triangle strives to serve the best interests of Alvis cars in a effort to maintain it's legacy. Every Alvis we have for sale has been inspected in our workshops and its originality has be authenticated using extensive Alvis works archives.

1935 Silver Eagle Tourer by Cross & Ellis

The first owner’ LT Col Arther Lovell Hadow of Kemsing, Kent, took delivery from the dealers Charles Follet on the 18th March 1935. The second owner, Viscount Derick Heathcote-Armory, was Chancellor of the Exchecquer 1958 – 1960 under Harold McMillan. The car is in very good condition and benefits from the fitment of a remote overdrive. With only 16 of the 500 Silver Eagle to be fitted with Tourer coachwork this is an economical alternative to a Speed 20. Also supplied with an extensive history file.


To make an appointment please call 01926 864867 or 01926 857303

  • Year: 1935